
September 27, 2012

proof whisky, we want you!, Vol. 103

Autumn has arrived and we would like to hear from you! We sometimes receive your favourite recipes via email or FB. We now want to post some of them. Send us your favourite original fall whisky recipes and not only will we feature our favourites, but the winners will receive one of our proof goody bags! More information on proof brands, visit our website, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to get last minute updates on tastings, parties & events.

the sour apple (single) 1 1/2 oz proof whisky • 5 oz fresh apple juice • 1/4 oz lemon juice • 1/2 teaspoon of fine sugar 

Add all ingredients to an ice-filled shaker. Shake and pour into a glass. Garnish with thin slices of Ontario apples.

the sour apple (pitcher) 8 oz or 1 cup proof whisky • 4 cups apple juice • 1 1/2 oz lemon juice • 2 tbsp fine sugar

Add all ingredients to an ice-filled pitcher. Stir. Add apple slices to pitcher. Serve in glasses.


We want to feature your recipes! Send your favourite original autumn concoction, your name, photos and/or any relevant stories to We will try the recipes, select our favourites and feature them in October. The winners will receive a proof goody bag.

Weekend Forecast:
Saturday: Variable cloudiness and a high of 17 degrees
Sunday: Isolated showers and a high of 16 degrees