
November 28, 2016

proof whisky, razor sharp, Vol. 166

instagram drink of the week

Whisky Egg Nog by Mildred’s Temple Kitchen 6 large eggs, separated • 3/4 cup sugar • 1 vanilla pod • 1/4 tsp freshly grated nutmeg • 2 cups 2% milk • 3 cups 35% cream • 3 oz proof whisky  • Marshmallows 

Whisk egg yolks and sugar until pale yellow ribbon forms. Heat cream, milk and vanilla pod over medium heat. Remove vanilla pod. Pour 8 ounces of warm liquid into egg yolk mixture and whisk (this is called tempering the eggs and it prevents eggs from curdling). Add egg mixture into pot with the remaining warm milk and cream. Whisk over medium heat for 4-5 minutes. Cool mixture to room temperature and refrigerate for a minimum of 3 hours. Beat egg whites into stiff peaks. Whisk egg whites into chilled egg mixture. Add proof whisky and mix. Top with marshmallows (use a handheld blow torch to toast your marshmallows) or whipped cream and a pinch of grated nutmeg. Enjoy. MAKES 12 SERVINGS. For more eggnog recipes visit Volume 114

instagram drink of the week

the crimson cup single 1 1/2 oz proof whisky • 1 oz lemon juice • 1 tbsp cranberries (frozen & thawed) • 1/2 oz maple syrup • 2 oz Ocean Spray® Cranberry Cocktail METHOD In a cocktail shaker filled with ice, add 1½ oz proof whisky, 1 oz of lemon juice, 1 tbsp cranberries (frozen & thawed) ½ oz. maple syrup and 2 oz Ocean Spray® Cranberry Cocktail. Shake sharply and strain into a martini glass. Garnish with a lemon and cranberry skewer.

the crimson cup punch bowl 1 cup proof whisky • 5 oz lemon juice • ½ cup frozen cranberries (thawed) • 1/3 cup maple syrup • 1.89 litres of Ocean Spray® Cranberry Cocktail (full bottle) METHOD In a punch bowl or pitcher add ½ cup muddled or smashed cranberries, 1 cup proof whisky, 5 oz. of lemon juice, 1/3 cup maple syrup and 1.89 litres of Ocean Spray® Cranberry Cocktail. Mix well and add lots of ice. Garnish with frozen cranberries.

As Movember comes to a close, proof whisky and the Razor Company are offering a special promo at the LCBO. If you pick up a bottle of proof whisky, you will receive a FREE Razor Company razor. Get it now because the offer ends when supplies run out. Razor Company memberships make great holiday gifts.With a Razor company membership, RC will ship you a new razor monthly or bi-monthly, depending on your plan. RC also has a good selection of shaving creams and skin products for both men and women.

Razor Company provides you with a more convenient, cost-effective and hassle-free way to make sure you always have a fresh razor on hand-without leaving your home. THey take your order and ship right to your door on a monthly or bi-monthly schedule. 

Here's how it works: 1. Choose your razor combo Pick either a 3 or 5 blade razor - your handle is free! Choose your ideal package size. 2. Choose Delivery option Monthly shipping or save money by using Bi-Monthly shipping or our Bulk Ship option. 3. We ship directly to your home Shipping, handling and those nasty taxes are all included in our prices.